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Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Janet Porter's Pack of Lies
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Janet Porter -- the serial liar, neo-Nazi quoter, pathological Obama-hater and apparent misuser of her own group's resources for partisan purposes -- tosses out another hateful pack of lies in her March 23 WorldNetDaily column.

Porter repeatedly and shamelessly suggests that President Obama wants to outlaw Christianity. Referring to her upcoming "May Day" rally, she writes, "We will be meeting on May 1 to stand for God at the Lincoln Memorial.  But we don't face arrest for it.  At least not yet." She later added, "The underground church risked arrest and torture to stand for God in the face of Communist rule.  We don't face arrest just yet, but if we don't come to God on bended knee and receive his hand of mercy and rescue, there is no question that we will."

Porter is not taking the passage of health care reform well: "Desecrating the Sabbath, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and her Democratic lynch men in Congress did exactly what they said they'd do when they were voted into office." She ranted that "Bart Stupak has blood on his hands, and he and his cohorts must be removed from office in November." She also claims that Stupak "voted for abortion funding in the health-care bill," adding that "this bill forces us to participate in killing innocent lives with our hard-earned tax money." Porter is lying.

Porter asserted that "Barack Obama, when he took over the car industry, closed only Republican dealerships (or those who supported his Democratic opponents or who gave less than $200 to his campaign)," adding that "he decided that the exceptionally successful Republican car dealerships weren't 'eligible' to remain open." That is a baseless conspiracy theory. Actually, let's call her claim what it is -- a lie.

Porter also insists that "the New England Journal of Medicine predicts a mass exodus of medical providers." That too is a lie.

We can go on -- her column is replete with even more falsehoods and misrepresentations.

While Porter is using her "May Day" rally to pray for her country, maybe she should take some time out to ask forgiveness from God for her shameful and disgraceful lies.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:36 AM EDT

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