Topic: NewsBusters
A Dec. 18 NewsBusters post by Scott Whitlock bashes Stephen King for liking thte show "Breaking Bad" for "examining the American dream: shiny and addictive on top, hollow at the core. And dark. Very dark." Whitlock then sneers: "Hasn’t King made millions of dollars off the "hollow" American dream?"
But then Whitlock adds: "In a unique choice, he also praised Rachel Maddow as 'insightful' and 'pretty in a no-nonsense way.'"
Why is a "unique choice" to call Maddow pretty? Alas, Whitlock fails to elaborate. But the commenters on Whitlock's post are more than happy to do so:
- Based on his spectacles and assesment of Ms. Maddow it is also clear that he is myopic.
- King's writing shows a taste that favors the macabre, and the guy hails from Maine. No surprise, then, that he thinks MadSow is pretty and leans to the Left.
- Yes, she would fit perfectly into one of your novels.
- I'm quite certain that Maddow's makeup patterned on Stephen King's Pennywise character from "It".
- I find it odd that he thinks a man is "pretty in an on nonsense kind of way".
- Can someone post a photo of Maddow next to one of King? I think it will be obvious why he thinks his clone is pretty.
- Rachel Maddow looks a lot like a guy I knew in high school -- a good friend of mine, actually. She's not a bad-looking guy.
- Oh come on he is a lot prettier than Madcow is
You stay classy, NewsBusters folks.