Topic: WorldNetDaily
Barack Obama has now elected to carry on in the Hate America First leftist tradition of treason.
It would appear that the only possible reason for one civilian trial is to hand over intelligence to the enemy that would otherwise be an overtly treasonous act. Do you think Barack Obama is a Muslim? Do you think his loyalties lie outside the United States?
Do you think Pelosi and Reid are complicit in Obama's treason, by not calling a joint session of Congress and demanding that Obama present his bona fides regarding the "natural born citizen" clause of the Constitution?
-- Craige McMillan, Nov. 19 WorldNetDaily column
Gov. Palin, if you want angry Americans – those who are now in the majority! – to take you seriously, here are some cheat notes for you to use in future interviews and speeches:
Barack Obama is a socialist (or, more properly, a Marxist). Say it!
Barack Obama, it obviously follows, is a radical. Say it!
Barack Obama has surrounded himself with Marxists and other radicals who want to fundamentally change America. Say it!
Barack Obama is a liar. Say it!
Barack Obama is the least transparent president in U.S. history. Say it!
Barack Obama wants to get a government-controlled health-care plan and a cap-and-trade bill passed for one reason and one reason only: to gain total control over people's lives. Say it!
-- Robert Ringer, Nov. 20 WorldNetDaily column