Topic: Newsmax
James Walsh largely rehashes his previous attack on immigrants in a Sept. 8 Newsmax column.
Walsh kicks off by attacking changes in immigration law in the 1960s, complaining that they "reflected Democrat support for quotas favoring Third World nations, a broadened amnesty concept, and creation of a family unity provision to bring in the old folks, once the young folks get situated." What Walsh doesn't say, of course, is that the immigration law it replaced -- and, presumably, to which Walsh would like to return -- was largely motivated by racism and eugenics.
Walsh then engages in a bizarre smear of those immigrants from "Third World nations":
Family unity remains a tenet of immigration advocates. Many immigrants, including those from China and Hispanic nations, respect and revere their elderly. Traces of ancestor worship still permeate many of the world’s cultures. For example, a recent issue of Architectural Digest featured a home in China with a floor plan designating a separate suite for “the grandparents.”
Walsh again plays fast and loose with the number of alleged illegal immigrants, claiming that there are "12 million to 36 million illegal aliens currently residing in the United States. Splitting the difference, 24 million illegal aliens could be an acceptable number for calculations." But has we've previously noted, most official estimates are around the low end of that spectrum, and Walsh offers no source for his "36 million" estimate.
He also again misleadingly claims that "45 million to 50 million 'Americans' lack proper health insurance. A guestimate is that half the uninsured are non-citizens." But even conservatives who consider that estimate to be inaccurate, like, claim that the number includes "9.73 million foreigners" -- which includes people here illegally.