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Tuesday, August 11, 2009
MRC Won't Blame Limbaugh For His Nazi Rant
Topic: Media Research Center

In an Aug. 9 Media Research Center item, Brent Baker joined Newsmax in regurgitating Rush Limbaugh's talking points by absolving Limbaugh of all responsibility for what he says.

Baker insisted that it was "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who first put Nazi comparisons into play by accusing the opponents of 'carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on health care,'" and that Limbaugh was merely "reacting" to it with a screed likening Obama and Democrats to Nazis. Baker even linked to a transcript of Limbaugh blaming Pelosi and refusing to take responsibility for his own behavior.

We now know where the MRC gets its talking points from, don't we?

Baker failed to acknowledge the truthfulness of Pelosi's claim.

Similarly, an Aug. 10 MRC item by Rich Noyes complained that Limbaugh's Nazi rant was taken "out-of-context" by NBC, which did not mention that said rant "was part of a lengthy reaction to scornful statements by Pelosi smearing anti-ObamaCare protesters at town hall meetings." Noyes later asserted that "Pelosi had triggered the exchange with such a venomous charge." But Noyes, like Baker, failed to acknowledge that Pelosi's claim is true.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:33 AM EDT

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