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Monday, August 10, 2009
WND Embraces Unsourced Tabloid Journalism
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Is WorldNetDaily proud to be named as a source by a supermarket tabloid? It appears so.

An Aug. 9 WND article touts a story in the Globe "proclaiming Barack Obama's 'official birth document' a fake and suggesting the president may actually have been born in Canada." The article adds that the Globe "also cites WND's reporting about the changing stories about the hospital in which Obama was born."

According to WND, the Globe is citing "reports by unnamed document analysts" for its claim. That fits in with the type of anonymous sourcing WND is doing a lot of lately.

As with the Kenyan birth certificate, WND has no idea of any of what the Globe has reported is true -- but is publishing it anyway. Not that WND ever cared much about journalistic standards in the first place, of course.

WND's newfound respect for tabloids is a bit of a flip -- WND editor Joseph Farah was denouncing them when the National Enquirer was reporting on Rush Limbaugh. But it's not a surprise -- as we've detailed, the ConWeb always denounces the tabloids when they report on Republicans but embrace them when they report on Democrats.

So, does this mean we can look forward to WND passing along the Globe's latest dirt on Brangelina?

Posted by Terry K. at 9:19 AM EDT

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