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Tuesday, April 28, 2009
CNS Misleads Again on Covering of Symbols

We've previously detailed how has repeatedly claimed that the Obama administration asked Georgetown University to cover up specific religious symbols before a speech by President Obama, despite a complete lack of evidence that the administration asked the university to anything beyond covering up the university's "signs and symbols."

CNS is still pushing this non-story, however. An April 28 article by Penny Starr quotes a Republican congressman as being "disturbed" by "President Barack Obama’s request to have the symbolic name for Jesus Christ – IHS – covered from a pediment that was visible behind him when he spoke at Georgetown University’s Gaston Hall on April 14." Starr went on to repeat the claim that "The Obama administration asked school officials to cover the symbol, which was done by placing a piece of plywood painted black over it."

Again, for Starr's benefit: CNS has never presented evidence that the Obama administration made specific demands to cover up specific symbols at Georgetown. Absent that evidence, any assertion or suggestion that the administration did is, simply, a lie.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:25 PM EDT

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