Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily must be aware how much credibility it's losing by desperately clinging to various lies and misleading claims surrounding Barack Obama's birth certificate, so David Kupelian has penned an April 20 column to justify his obsession.
Kupelian clings to discredited claims -- for instance, that the birth certificate Obama's campaign released "could have been issued for a child born overseas, and thus does not prove he was born in Hawaii" [italics his]. In fact, according to Kupelian's right-wing fellow travelers at FrontPageMag, Hawaii does not provide Certifications of Live Birth stating that children born outside of Hawaii were actually born inside Hawaii.
Kupelian also asserts that's debunking of right-wing attacks on the birth certificate can't be trusted because " is part of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania, which critics point out is linked to the Chicago Annenberg Challenge organization where Obama worked for several years with former 'Weather Underground' terrorist William Ayers." That's not a factually based response; that's guilt-by-association -- Kupelian offers nothing to contradict anything FactCheck wrote. Kupelian also ignores several inconvenient facts:
- Reports indicate the Chicago Annenberg Challenge did nothing radical or terroristic, Ayers' presence notwithstanding.
- Walter Annenberg, who funded both projects, was a prominent Republican.
- Ayers and Obama had little apparent contact with each other during their concurrent time with the project.
Needless to say, Kupelian neglects to mention WND's reporting that the "[a] separate WND investigation into Obama's birth certificate utilizing forgery experts also found the document to be authentic" -- the exact same conclusion that made.
Nevertheless, Kupelian insists that because Obama won't cave to right-wing pressure and release his full birth certificate, "Obama is hiding something. About that statement, there can be no dispute." We're guessing that Kupelian is of a mind with WND writer Jerome Corsi on what is purportedly being hidden -- as we've noted, Corsi has a lurid vision that Frank Marshall Davis -- a "Marxist activist" whom Corsi claims dealt cocaine with Obama in the 1970s in Hawaii, citing only a single anonymous drug addict to back it up -- is Obama's father. Kupelian seems to be salivating at the prospect of that kind of scandal, which is also presumably why Corsi is allowed to make such shoddily sourced claims on the pages of WND.
And if Obama is hiding something, so is Kupelian -- as we've detailed, WND won't make its anti-Obama petition public or talk about its relationship with birth certificate obsessive Orly Taitz.
It wouldn't be a full WND rant without a bit of cynical patriotism, and Kupelian obliges by insisting that "the other reason I care about this issue is because I still care about the Constitution." Don't believe that for a second -- it's all about hating Obama. Remember, Kupelian has smeared Obama as a Manchurian candidate who "has associated with radicals, criminals, communists and terrorists" (as if WND hasn't), as well as "a man who reflexively, instinctively, will side with what's wrong and harmful for America, and will oppose what's right and good and wholesome for America."
Further, the website for which Kupelian serves as managing editor has published lie upon lie upon smear upon smear of Obama. Is that the sign of someone who cares only about the Constitution? No, that's the sign of someone with a seething, obsessive hatred.
Kupelian cares nothing about the truth or the Constitution -- he cares only about destroying Obama. He doesn't seem to realize what he's actually destroying is the website he works for.