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Saturday, April 4, 2009
Newsmax Rehabilitating Kerik
Topic: Newsmax

We've documented how Newsmax was one of the most vociferous defenders of Bernard Kerik from "leftist" attacks following his 2004 nomination as homeland security secretary, until a tidal wave of allegations of corruption finally forced it to reel its enthusiasm in. Now, Newsmax has decided it's time to rehabilitate Kerik's reputation.

A March 29 Newsmax article, headlined "Bernard Kerik Wins Round in Court," touted how Kerik "won a victory in court last week when a judge threw out several of the charges in his federal indictment."  But the article obfuscates on the number of counts dismissed and the number remaining. In fact, the AP reports that a judge "dismissed one count of the 15-count corruption and tax fraud indictment against Kerik" and "removed some elements of a second count."

Now, an April 3 article by Jim Meyers cranks up the rehabilitation, calling Kerik a "highly decorated former New York City Police Commissioner" in the first paragraph. Meyers also writes that Kerik "was President George W. Bush’s nominee for Secretary of Homeland Security before he withdrew his name from consideration," but fails to mention the charges he faces on, as the previous Newsmax article noted, "wire fraud, mail fraud, and making false statements."

But then, Kerik is serving a more partisan purpose for Meyers, who uncritically quotes Kerik as endorsing the renewal of the Patriot Act.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:59 AM EDT

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