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Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Wheeler Falsely Claims Obama Supports Hamas
Topic: Newsmax

Scott Wheeler writes in a March 23 Newsmax column:

The terrorist group Hamas endorsed Obama before the election, but instead of feeling suckered like many Americans who voted for him, they are seeing results. An AFP report quotes Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal praising what he calls Obama’s “new lexicon” for describing terrorist’s demands. "The challenge for everyone is that (Obama's new language) is a prelude to a sincere change in U.S. . . . foreign policy," said Meshaal, according to AFP.

By “sincere change” the Hamas leader was referring to the previous U.S. policy in the Middle East stating that we would not support Hamas’ goal of killing all the Jews and taking over Israeli land and turning it into the new Palestine. That is the reason for Hamas’ existence — it is written in Hamas’ charter and has been reiterated constantly since it’s founding in 1988.

Wheeler's claim that Obama supports Hamas is a lie. As even WorldNetDaily's Aaron Klein concedes in his desperate attempts to link Obama to Hamas by uncritically repeating unverified claims by terrorists (as Wheeler is doing), "there is no change in the U.S. policy of isolating Hamas."

Posted by Terry K. at 12:40 AM EDT

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