Topic: Horowitz
In an interview with the Emory University student newspaper, published Feb. 25 at FrontPageMag, David Horowitz lets a little truth slip out:
How do you feel about being paired in debate with individuals such as Ward Churchill, who you termed “an idiot”? Is it demeaning to be paired with them in debate, as if they’re your equivalent?
Yeah, totally. Believe me, the internet is wonderful and horrible. I know everything that’s said about me thanks to Google. A lot of it is deliberately disrespectful and hateful and is meant to destroy me.
The attacks have been so unprincipled that I have had to create my Center [the David Horowitz Freedom Center] in order to have a platform.
There you have it -- the only reason the Horowitz organization (including FrontPageMag) exists is to promote Horowitz.