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Thursday, February 19, 2009
From Morano's Mouth to Sheppard's Keyboard
Topic: NewsBusters

The Think Progress Wonk Room has gotten a hold of a contact list used by Marc Morano, the former CNS reporter now working for Sen. James Inhofe, to whom he sends out his misleading anti-global warming propaganda.

On the list, unsurprisingly, are a pair of NewsBusters staffers, Noel Sheppard and Matthew Sheffield, and Dan Gainor of the MRC Business & Media Institute. We've previously reported on Morano's misleading global warming claims, as well as Sheppard's slavish recitation of them.

Sheppard is, unsurprisingly, proud to regurgitate whatever spurious information Morano sends him: "I'm sure I speak for all my fellow jokers when I say that I am honored to be mentioned with these highly-respected climate realists."

Posted by Terry K. at 9:24 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, February 19, 2009 12:44 PM EST

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