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Sunday, December 21, 2008
Sheppard Still Bamboozling on Global Warming
Topic: NewsBusters

A Dec. 14 NewsBusters post by Noel Sheppard, in bashing the Associated Press, suggests that the existence of cold weather in parts of the country means that global warming doesn't exist:

What kind of media outlet would publish this hysterical nonsense with much of the nation in the grips of extremely harsh winter conditions? Does the AP have any idea?

It snowed in Houston Wednesday tying a record for the earliest appearance of the white stuff in the city's history.

There were rare snowfalls in Southern Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi Thursday.

They're expecting possible record-breaking cold in the Pacific Northwest.

Record cold in Montana.

Record cold in Denver.

Supposed to snow in the San Francisco Bay Area Monday.

And the AP thinks we're running out of time to solve global warming.

In fact, as Media Matters points out, most credible climate scientists reject the notion that short-term changes in weather, let alone individual storms, bear any relevance to the global warming debate. And Sheppard offers no evidence to support his contention.

Sheppard is a longtime bamboozler on global warming.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:34 AM EST

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