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Saturday, November 8, 2008
Topic: NewsBusters

We followed a link from NewsBusters to a post by NewsBusters blogger Terry Trippany on the blog Webloggin purporting to show the dark side of Barack Obama's victory rally in Chicago's Grant Park -- including things like garbage and a group of self-proclaimed communists allegedly supporting Obama -- because, according to Trippany, "it is important to realize that salesmen never expose the flaws in a package when selling you a bill of goods."

Trippany's post is now topped with an apology:

I got it wrong. It happens but it is no less embarrassing.

In reading through the comments I saw the following from Padananda:

The funny thing is, you don’t seem to have realized that the communists at Grant Park were *opposing* Obama–they see him (rightly) as just a more liberal capitalist and imperialist–they don’t like him at all. Please get your facts straight.

So I went backed and checked on the group and he was correct. In my haste I had thought these guys were representatives of Communist Party USA, which endorsed Barack Obama. It turns out however that they are actually members of Revolutionary Communist Party USA, a different group that opposes both McCain and Obama.

I should have checked more closely; I know better.

Trippany has peddled misleading attacks of Obama at NewsBusters as well.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:14 AM EST

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