Topic: NewsBusters
In a Sept. 8 NewsBusters post, Tim Graham worried that ABC's Charlie Gibson will be too tough with Sarah Palin in their upcoming interview. "He has been anything but piranha-like with Barack Obama ... so the possibility of a seriously biased contrast is there if Palin gets a Russert roasting, and is not swooned over Obama-style as a symbolic test of American progress."
In fact, not only does Gibson have a record of tossing softballs to John McCain, he's already acquiesced to the Palin camp by declaring in advance he won't ask any questions about her family. Graham fails to mention any of this.
Graham goes on to complain that the media are allegedly looking into National Enquirer-promoted claims of a rumored Palin affair after ignoring the Enquirer's reports on John Edwards' affair. Needless to say, a couple months ago, Graham was all but demanding that the mainstream media repeat the Enquirer's reports on Edwards (as we've noted).