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Monday, September 8, 2008
Aaron Klein Anti-Obama Agenda Watch
Topic: WorldNetDaily

How anti-Obama are Aaron Klein and WorldNetDaily? Even when Obama does nothing wrong, he must be attacked.

That explains Klein's Sept. 7 article, suggesting it was "momentary confusion" that Obama mistakenly referred to "My Muslim faith" in a discussion about attacks on him falsely claiming he's a secret Muslim. Unsurprisingly, Klein uses this meaningless slip-up as yet another opportunity to regurgitate irrelevant claims that Obama had been registered in a school in Indonesia as a child. As we've noted whenever Klein does this, Klein is trying to conflate activity by Obama the child with Obama the adult -- sorta like blaming children who dreamed of being cowboys or ballerinas for not being cowboys or ballerinas when they grew up.

Klein thinks he's being a hotshot, hard-hitting reporter by doing this, but he actually looks like a desperate, hate-driven polemicist.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:24 PM EDT

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