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Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch
Topic: WorldNetDaily

The scene on the final evening of the Democratic convention next week is bound to be a gripping one: Some 75,000 people will be in the stands awaiting healing and anointing in the packed but expansive confines of Denver's Invesco Field.

The entire event has forced the Broncos to make contingency plans for an alternate place to play their home football games just in case the entire stadium is swept away during the pretribulation rapture on the night of 28 August in the year marked by the gathered faithful as 48 B.C. (Barack's Coming, two score and 8 years ago)

As tens of thousands clamor for their savior – the Benny Hinn of wealth redistribution – the high-decibel chants of "Obama" will be broken only by the orgasmic screeches of writhing members of the mainstream media. The tingle up Chris Matthews' leg will hurt so unbearably good that "Hardball" will, for one brief and shining moment, be the most apropos program title in the world.

-- Doug Powers, Aug. 18 WorldNetDaily column

Posted by Terry K. at 12:30 AM EDT

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