Topic: WorldNetDaily
In her June 19 WorldNetDaily column, Jane Chastain encourages her readers to get involved with media activism:
When is the last time you wrote or called a journalist, editor, reporter, news director or producer? Most people never do. They just complain about bias in the media but will not lift a finger or flip the lid on a cell phone to do anything about it.
Most journalists want to be considered "good" journalists. Having spent the lion's share of my professional life in a newsroom, I can tell you that we are extremely sensitive to legitimate criticism. However, we get very little of it.
Many years ago, I read that a television network considers that each caller represents the views of 10,000 viewers, so few will pick up the phone.
When making a call, the important thing to remember is this: Be courteous. Make your complaint or comment short and specific. Whenever possible, include, the date, time, program or article, reporter, etc. and what was wrong, slanted or unbalanced about the piece.
Do your favorite newspapers, journalists and television news broadcasts a favor. Hold them accountable!
All of this, of course, is targeted only at "the liberal bias of the news media." None is targeted at the "news" organization that prints her column; indeed, Chastain praises WND for its misleading "Operation Spike" year-end compilation, adding, "When you hear about an important story that is spiked, you need to jump on it immediately!"
But WND is one of the greatest offenders in the area of media bias. We've repeatedly detailed WND's history of running biased, misleading or just plain false information.
Is Chastain holding WND accountable in the same way she holds the "liberal media" accountable? We suspect not, given that she still allows her column to appear there.