Topic: Accuracy in Media
In his June 9 column, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review's Bill Steigerwald interviews Cliff Kincaid about his efforts to portray Barack Obama as a secret commie:
Q: You are not making the claim that Obama is a communist or a “Manchurian Candidate”-type communist or anything else?
A: We are only raising the questions that the media will not look into. We think the media should examine both candidates. But in the case of Obama, who has only been a U.S. senator for a few years, there is more of a responsibility to inform the public about where he had come from. Remember, as president, he will be entitled to see all of our state secrets. And yet, as a candidate, he doesn’t have to undergo a background or security check. That’s why we depend on the media really to vet these candidates, so the American people can know who they are voting for.
So, the answer is yes. It's not like Kincaid hasn't pushed this before.
Interestingly, Steigerwald describes Kincaid only as "president of the conservative group America’s Survival Inc." and didn't mention his employment at Accuracy in Media -- surprising, since much of his America's Survival obsessions (anti-communism, anti-United Nations) show up in his AIM writings. Perhaps Kincaid needs to explain where exactly the line is between America's Survival and AIM.