Topic: NewsBusters
Another reminder that the MRC's mission is less about "balance" and more about being offended that positive things are being said about liberals at all comes from Tim Graham in a Jan. 29 NewsBusters post, in which he rails against "at least two completely sickening moments for conservatives" -- as his headline puts it, "puke points."
The first is calling the Kennedys "American royalty," which Graham claims "conservatives would like ... to be a trap-door phrase or a Nerf ball-pasting phrase." The second was "Paul Begala with his usual embarrassing over-praise of Bill Clinton," to which Graham responds: "Let's hope Begala has been well-paid for making statements that are so fawning they make Bambi blush."
Graham added that "Begala then turned even more desperate in tone, suggesting that some in the media hate Clinton so much, it's like mental illness." Graham doesn't comment on that, perhaps because it hits a little too close to home.