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Saturday, January 19, 2008
MRC Hearts Hillary Smears, Hates Nice Things Said About her
Topic: Media Research Center

Yet another difference between my employer and those other guys: Media Matters gets upset when Chris Matthews makes sexist remarks about Hillary Clinton; the MRC gets upset when Matthews makes complementary remarks about her.

No, really. The folks at MRC clearly don't mind sexist remarks when made against liberals in general and Hillary in particular, to the point that they ridiculed Media Matters' highlighting of them. Tim Graham noted in a Jan. 17 NewsBusters post that Matthews "a few minutes trying to dig out with Media Matters and Hillary fans for saying she got where she is through her husband's wild sex life." 

When Matthews finally did apologize, the MRC ridiculed that too. Geoffrey Dickens declared in a Jan. 17 NewsBusters post and Jan. 18 MRC CyberAlert item that Matthews was "bowing to pressure from liberal blogs, feminist groups and upper management" (shortened in the CyberAlert version to "left-wing groups") in "personally apologizing to Hillary Clinton."

Mark Finkelstein added: "Unlike the sensitive folks over at Media Matters, we NewsBusters are a relatively thick-skinned lot. And no one's ever confused me with Gloria Steinem. So we're not going to overreact to Willie Geist's comment this morning and demand a Matthewsesque mea culpa."

But say something nice about Hillary, and boy howdy! Scott Whitlock was offended in a Jan. 16 NewsBusters post (and Jan. 17 CyberAlert) that Matthews called a remark Hillary made "very Thatcher-ite."

Even though Brent Bozell and Co. presumably concur with Matthews' original sentiments -- as evidenced by its unbalanced hatred of Hillary and its attacks on everyone who says anything remotely nice about her -- they didn't run to his defense from the "pressure from left-wing groups." Perhaps that's because they have decided they have too much invested in branding Matthews as an unrepentant liberal (which itself contradicts its previous praise of Matthews for bashing the Clintons in the 1990s).

Posted by Terry K. at 10:50 AM EST

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