Topic: Newsmax
We've previously noted that NewsMax's Christopher Ruddy has said surprisingly nice things about the Clintons -- but in other publications, not at NewsMax. He's finally brought some of that praise to his own website.
In a Sept. 14 column, Ruddy says nice things about Bill Clinton's new book, "Giving":
Clinton’s “Giving” turned out to be quite a surprise, detailing from cover to cover his sojourn on behalf of his own and other charities.
As the title says, the former president offers examples of “how each of us can change the world.” Clinton’s focus, interestingly enough, is on individuals, private charities, corporations, churches — all working together to prevent disease and alleviate poverty, among other worthy causes.[...]
Clinton is sharing the great philosopher Maimonides’ wisdom: "Teach a man to fish and he’ll eat a lifetime." The former president writes that “one of the greatest gifts anyone can give is a useful skill.”
In Clinton’s vision, governments play a role, but it is certainly a secondary role.
Wait a minute. Let me check the cover again. Did Newt Gingrich write this book?
No, it is not my imagination. Bill Clinton did indeed pen this.
And the praise continues, even though Ruddy describes himself as "a frequent Clinton critic." He does take a slam at another Democratic president, though:
And unlike Jimmy Carter, Clinton has refrained from using his post-presidential position to attack the United States, coddle with our enemies by endorsing sham elections like that in Venezuela and making Israel the bogeyman for all the world’s ills.
But don't worry, Clinton-haters -- NewsMax still employs John LeBoutillier, Charles Smith and Dick Morris, so its readers are still getting their minimum daily requirement of Clinton-bashing.