Topic: Newsmax
For the first time that we know of, NewsMax is admitting that its opt-in online polls don't represent the U.S. population as a whole.
We've noted that NewsMax frequently misrepresents these polls as speaking for all Americans when, as an opt-in poll promoted mostly on NewsMax and other conservative websites, they most decidedly do not (and are ultimately just a tool to harvest e-mail addresses for its mailing list). But in a June 17 "Insider Report," NewsMax described its opt-in poll on Hillary Clinton as showing "how GOP-leaning web users view her politics."
Still, NewsMax is promoting the poll as showing "a shift in sentiment" toward Hillary:
Now, by a margin of 51% to 49%, respondents believe Hillary will be denied the nomination of her party.
When asked if Hillary is the best candidate the Democrats could nominate, a solid 78% said "No."
And 71% said they would vote for Obama over Clinton in a Democratic primary.
Given that NewsMax is admitting that this is the view of "GOP-leaning voters," the results as applied to Democratic primaries are meaningless because registered Republicans have no say in who Democratic voters choose as their presidential candidate.