Topic: NewsBusters
Conservatives are becoming increasingly desperate to tie Media Matters, my employer, to George Soros, despite the lack of any evidence that Soros has ever donated to the organization. Mark Finkelstein gives it the ol' college try in a May 21 NewsBusters post, stating that Media Matters "has received funding from the George Soros-backed and Soros comrade-in-leftist-arms Peter Lewis." While technically true, Finkelstein is straining so hard for guilt by association here, you can almost hear the grunts as you read that sentence.
Finkelstein went on to bash NBC for its report on Rush Limbaugh's "Barack the Magic Negro" parody for quoting a Media Matters spokesman while "hiding MM's partisan identity," adding, "For 'Today' to have failed to disclose that MM is an organization with a left-wing axe to grind is an outrageous example of bad, biased journalism."
We should assume, then, that Finkelstein's next NewsBusters post will be about Fox News' "bad, biased journalism" for failing to disclose the MRC's "partisan identity" as "an organization with a right-wing axe to grind" whenever an MRC representative appears on the channel.