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Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Farah's AP Hypocrisy
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Joseph Farah's March 7 WoirldNetDaily column rips the Associated Press as "the worst purveyor of political propaganda and distortion," a "pervasive information virus," and "deceitful."

We'd believe Farah's alleged outrage was genuine if we hadn't noticed the following on WND's front page today:






































That's right -- WND is making liberal use of the wire service its leader is railing against. And WND is not paying a dime to AP for relying on its material, either.

As as we've previously noted. WND has also plagiarized AP material without giving them proper credit -- something WND itself has complained about.

"Something must be done," Farah concludes. We agree -- WND should stop profiting off work it doesn't pay for, particularly in light of its contempt for the creators of said work.

If there was ever a textbook definition of hypocrisy, this would be it. If Farah hates the AP so much, why is he freeloading on it to run his business?

Posted by Terry K. at 10:06 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, March 7, 2007 10:08 PM EST

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