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Thursday, February 22, 2007
At NewsMax, Ruddy Silent About His Clinton Change of Heart
Topic: Newsmax

Earlier this week, NewsMax editor and CEO Christopher Ruddy told the New York Times that he and NewsMax co-owner (and legendarily rabid Clinton-hater) Richard Mellon Scaife "have had a rethinking" about the Clintons: "Clinton wasn’t such a bad president. ... In fact, he was a pretty good president in a lot of ways, and Dick feels that way today."

Three days later, despite NewsMax's historic promotion of any reference to itself that shows up in the dreaded "mainstream media" (even when it's not necessarily positive) there has been no mention of the Times article or Ruddy's presence in it at NewsMax.

As we've noted, Ruddy's change of heart isn't stopping Clinton-haters from congregating at NewsMax. But shouldn't Ruddy be explaining this to his readers instead of leaving it to the MSM? 

Posted by Terry K. at 9:32 AM EST

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