Topic: Newsmax
We know Ronald Kessler hates John McCain, having dedicated numerous articles to his horrible temper. Now we know who he likes for president in 2008.
In a Feb. 21 NewsMax article, Kessler continued his sycophantic work for the Bush administration by featuring the claim that "Bush family members, friends, and key supporters are solidly behind Mitt Romney" and lists a number of "striking similarities between George W. Bush and Mitt Romney." In noting that "[b]oth men's lives have been touched by fatal car accidents," Kessler served up an oddly worded description of Laura Bush's crash:
In November 1963, when she was a senior in high school in Midland, Texas, Laura Bush, then 17, was driving on a dark country road with a high school friend when she missed a stop sign. Her parents' brand-new Chevrolet Impala slammed into a 1962 Corvair sedan driven by Michael D. Douglas, another high school friend, who was thrown from his car. He died at the scene.
Why not just say that Laura Bush drove the car that killed a friend, instead of weirdly detaching things? bBy saying she "was driving on a dark country road" when "[h]er parents' brand-new Chevrolet Impala" hit another car, nonsensically suggests that it was the car, not the driver, who was to blame for the accident.
Kessler concludes his column with a separate item which makes the even more weird argument that congressional Democrats are causing America to lose the war on terror by holding the Bush administration accountable for its actions:
With Democrats holding hearings to try to embarrass the Bush administration, FBI and CIA officials worry about the amount of time they have to devote to testifying on Capitol Hill and the number of people they have to divert from tracking terrorists to locating documents for hearings.
As it is, people at both agencies work night and day to prevent the next terrorist attack. Diverting personnel from hunting down terrorists who are determined to detonate a nuclear device in the United States so that Democrats can assess blame for intelligence failures that have since been addressed is not the way to win the war on terror.
So, Kessler just wants Democrats to move on? Weren't Republicans opposed to that concept when Clinton was in office? Why is it suddenly OK now?