Topic: WorldNetDaily
While Dan Riehl seems to have backed off his attacks on S.R. Sidarth, Les Kinsolving hasn't. In his Aug. 29 WorldNetDaily column, Kinsolving whacks Sidarth for daring to suspect that George Allen's apology to him for calling him a "macaca" wasn't sincere:
Think about that.
This college student, first said the senator "did the right thing."
But when asked by the Post if he thought Sen. Allen was sincere in this apology, Sidarth declined comment.
Why on earth did he decline comment when asked if Allen was sincere – when he had just said that Allen "did the right thing"?
That is a question that should be asked of student Sidarth by the University of Virginia's famed honor committee:
"How could you tell the major media that Senator Allen 'did the right thing' and then immediately decline to comment, when asked if the 'right thing' was 'sincere'"?
Kinsolving also repeated a defense of Allen by the conservative Manhattan Institute's John McWhorter, who claimed that "Allen just made up something silly on the spot" and likely didn't know that "in French the term is sometimes used as an insult for North Africans." Kinsolving (and McWhorter) failed to note that Allen's mother grew up in Tunisia, a former French colony in North Africa, which would seem to increase the likelihood that Allen was more aware of the word than Kinsolving and McWhorter let on.