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Monday, June 12, 2006
More Bias From Aaron Klein
Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily's Aaron Klein lets his biases show in a June 9 article that goes far beyond the supposed point of the article, which is about the website for the American branch of the Israeli Kadima party allegedly lifting parts of policy summaries from the the Texas Democratic Party's website.

First, Klein attacks Kadima's name, which isn't relevant to the issue at hand: "Some questions even have been raised as to the originality of the Kadima name. The main logo on the Texas site reads, 'Moving Texas Forward.' Kadima is the Hebrew word for 'Forward.'" But the Kadima name was chosen last November, and Klein offers no evidence that the party's name has any relation to the controversy he's writing about.

Secondly, Klein throws in some fact-free criticism of Kadima USA by Dov Hikind, a New York state assemblyman. Responding to a full-page New York Times ad, apparenly placed by the head of Kadima USA, stating that "The American Jewish Community stands as one with the State of Israel and fully supports the Prime Minister's quest for peace," Klein quotes Hikind as calling the statement "[p]ure baloney," but no evidence to contradict the ad is offered.

Klein describes Hikind only as "an outspoken critic of Olmert's planned evacuation of Judea and Samaria," but it turns out he's a bit more than that. A 1999 Village Voice article notes that Hikind is "a combative disciple of Jewish Defense League capo Meir Kahane." As we've detailed, Klein has an aversion to pointing out the Kahane links of the right-wing Israelis he quotes -- or even admitting that they're right-wing.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:51 AM EDT

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