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Sunday, June 11, 2006
The ConWeb Hearts Coulter
Topic: The ConWeb
Gee, we go out of town for a few days, and Ann Coulter finally says something that even some conservatives find loathsome. The key word here is "some"; the ConWeb appears not to have joined that particular bandwagon. After all, both NewsMax and WorldNetDaily have a business interest in Coulter's success by selling her new book.

And following those business interests, NewsMax repeated Mary Matalin's defense of Coulter, while WND wrote of the widespread criticism of Coulter: "How's this for book publicity?" WND columnist Kevin McCullough also defends Coulter, calling her a martyr "for the well-being of political discourse in general."

Meanwhile, over at Bozell's empire (which, near as we can tell, has no direct business interest in promoting Coulter), did a fawning interview with Coulter, though it has stayed away thus far from original reporting on the current controversy. At NewsBusters, Mark Finkelstein took offense at the idea that Coulter's bashing of 9/11 widows "amounts to desecration of the graves of the 9/11 victims themselves"; he also suggested that any criticism of Coulter is motivated by jealousy of the money she's making off this controversy. Fellow NewsBuster Noel Sheppard calls the Coulter controversy "left-wing hysteria," adding, "from a publicity standpoint, Coulter must be thrilled about all the free attention these folks have given her."

And the MRC's Tim Graham took Coulter's side, claiming that her critics "did not consider that some of the 9-11 widows she mocked were also champions of political trash talk," adding: "Kristen Breitweiser, the most prominent Bush-trashing 9-11 widow, has sounded like a liberal version of Coulter at times on her huffing and puffing blog at the Huffington Post."

Posted by Terry K. at 11:27 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, June 11, 2006 11:28 PM EDT

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