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Wednesday, June 7, 2006
Who's Smearing Who?
Topic: Accuracy in Media
A June 7 Accuracy in Media column by Cliff Kincaid attacks Fox News' Shepard Smith for claiming in a Playboy interview that the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth are an example of stories that "lack veracity" but which serve as news. Kincaid adds, "as if the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth had been engaged not in getting out the truth about John Kerry's military career and dubious war crimes charges, but in smearing the Democratic Senator and 2004 Democratic presidential candidate."

Well, by most accounts, the Swifties were doing exactly that -- smearing Kerry with factually dubious and politically motivated accusations. Kincaid offers no evidence that the Swifties were doing otherwise -- nor, to our knowledge, has AIM ever fact-checked the Swifties' claims.

So, Cliff, unless you can come up with a detailed analysis of the Swifties' claims and the veracity thereof, let's not issue a blanket defense of 'em, mmmkay?

Posted by Terry K. at 1:37 AM EDT

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