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Saturday, June 3, 2006
Topic: Newsmax
Dave Eberhart is turning into NewsMax's go-to guy for softball interviews. Following up on his delicate treatment of Jack Kemp, Eberhart has penned a June 2 piece (but dated June 3) on Chris Simcox, found of the anti-immigrant Minuteman Project. Here's the lead:

The Southern Poverty Law Center once described controversial Minuteman Civil Defense Corps founder, Chris Simcox, 45, as "a relentless self aggrandizer who comes across with a smug egotism and fiery conviction of a former nobody."

But after a couple of up-close-and-personal sessions with the man whose "Minuteman Movement" has spawned 34 chapters in 30 states, a political action committee, and what Simcox sees as the basis and impetus for a national third party, NewsMax found that the only two words in that line of vitriol that truly apply to the soft-spoken man are "relentless" and "conviction."

Needless to say, there's no mention of Simcox being cited for illegally carrying a loaded weapon of federal parkland (as we've previously noted), nor is there any mention of the racism that lurks around the Minuteman Project (detailed by the SPLC).

Eberhart is joined in his softball-tossing by Ed Sigall, who penned a fawning June 3 NewsMax profile of ABC's John Stossel.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:10 PM EDT

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