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Friday, April 28, 2006
More WND Press-Release 'Journalism'
Topic: WorldNetDaily
An April 28 WorldNetDaily article showcases its usual anti-gay biases, then takes it a step further by being even more one-sided than the press release it's lifted from.

The article tells the case of Arlington, Va., video duplicator Tim Bono, who refused to duplicate "two pro-homosexual films" for "lesbian activist Lillian Vincenz." The city's Human Rights Commission ordered Bono to duplicate the video or face further action against him.

What's missing here -- besides the usual WND failure to contact anyone on the other side to present a fair and balanced view -- is any evidence that the the films to be duplicated are "pro-homosexual" (or Bono's secondary complaint, that he would be helping to "promote homosexuality" by duplicating them) or that Lillian Vincenz is a "lesbian activist." Meanwhile, Concerned Women for America, from whose press release WND lifted its report, does not get the "activist" moniker Vincenz gets, even though it obviously is an "activst" group.

WND also left out some of the evidence that the Arlington Human Rights Commission used in reaching its decision, cited in the CWA release. While WND did note that "Bono did not review the content of the videos," it did not note, as CWA did, that Bono "perceived the Complainant to be 'gay' and to have a gay agenda." And in noting CWA's claim that the case is "reminiscent" of that of an Ontario printer who was fined $5,000 for refusing to print materials for a group called the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives, WND doesn't use the name of the organization, instead substituting the term "homosexual advocacy group."

Posted by Terry K. at 12:20 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, April 30, 2006 6:38 PM EDT

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