Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily's lack of interest in the Jack Abramoff scandal, despite its claim to be a watchdog of government corruption, comes in no small part because the scandal touches some of its favorite people. As we've noted, that list includes Rep. Katherine Harris (WND published her book) and Rep. Richard Pombo (WND editor Joseph Farah co-wrote a book with him).
Another person on the list is Rabbi Daniel Lapin. BlatherWatch reports (via TPM Muckraker) that Lapin is having financial difficulties, as evidenced by Lapin's organization, Toward Tradition -- of which Abramoff is a former chairman, and through which Abramoff funneled money to influence politicians -- leaving its rented offices to move into Lapin's home.
WND has run numerous commentaries by Lapin, most recently a pair of articles in February. WND also printed a Lapin commentary in the December 2005 issue of its Whistleblower magazine. Lapin contributed a blurb for WND managing editor David Kupelian's book, "The Marketing of Evil." WND promoted the launching of Toward Tradition in a 2002 article that also noted Abramoff's presence on the advisory board.
Given its numerous contacts with people involved in the Abramoff scandal, WND should own this story. Instead, it's running a protection racket to shield their roles from public view. Not exactly watchdogging, is it?
Posted by Terry K.
at 11:53 AM EST