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Wednesday, February 1, 2006
Negativity = Bias?
Topic: NewsBusters
NewsBusters (and, presumably, the rest of the MRC) is employing a new standard in "liberal bias" detection: If you say or write negative things about the Bush administration, no matter how truthful they are, you're biased. A few State of the Union-related posts on NewsBusters illustrate the concept:

-- In a item headlined "ABC the Most Negative Before SOTU Address: State of the Union 'Sour,'" Brent Baker criticized ABC for offering "downbeat take on the public attitude facing President Bush."

-- Michael Rule criticized the "negative tone" purportedly used in a CBS interview with Bush White House attorney Dan Bartlett.

-- Baker took another whack at news outlets for using the word "sour."

Such criticism is all situational, of course -- we suspect the MRC thought the press wasn't negative enough during the Clinton years.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:28 PM EST

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