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Friday, January 20, 2006
CNS Attacks on Murtha Continue
Lest you thought was done attacking John Murtha, a Jan. 20 article by Jeff Johnson tries to link him to Code Pink, a group reviled by conservatives for its anti-war protests outside Walter Reed Medical Center (CNS previously reported on those). The only actual link is that Murtha had his picture taken with Code Pink members when they visited his office.

The article's headline -- "Code Pink Praises Murtha, Picketed Military Hospital" -- vaguely implies that Murtha joined Code Pink in its Walter Reed protests. Johnson also quotes Elaine Donnelly, president of the Center for Military Readiness, as insisting that Murtha was "embracing Code Pink," but he doesn't say what qualifies her to speak out on this issue. (Hint: She's a conservative, and WorldNetDaily books her speaking engagements.) Additionally, CMR's signature issue is opposing the placement of women in combat situations, which has nothing to do with Murtha or Code Pink.

But if having your photo taken with someone equals "endorsing" that person's views, as Johnson and Donnelly appear to claim, why hasn't CNS, to our knowledge, mentioned this?

Posted by Terry K. at 3:35 PM EST

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