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Wednesday, December 7, 2005
Kincaid's Clinton Obsession
Topic: Accuracy in Media
When he's not obsessing over Rachel Maddow's lesbianism, Accuracy in Media's Cliff Kincaid apparently obsesses over Bill Clinton's sex life. In the "Cliff's Notes" section of the Dec. 6 AIM Report, Kincaid is upset that a CBS Evening News segment on Clinton's healthier eating habits didn't change the subject to sex:

On November 18, the CBS Evening News ran a segment on "Eating With Bill Clinton," giving the disgraced former president an opportunity to appear on national TV as a good role model. Nothing, of course, was said about his sexual addiction or serial womanizing.


Like a school girl with a crush, correspondent Mika Brzezinski went on and on about Clinton's "personal journey" from eating bad food to eating right. If Clinton can persuade kids to eat right, that's great. But let's face it: his sexual appetite has been as serious a problem as what he eats. And it's in the sexual arena that he could really perform a public service. He should step forward and campaign against sexual diseases. Please send Ms. Brzezinski a postcard about this.

Will anyone send Kincaid a postcard about his dubious claims and conflict of interest regarding his AIM work on the Newsweek Koran story?

Posted by Terry K. at 11:23 AM EST

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