Topic: Newsmax
If you don't vote, your opinion doesn't count, NewsMax has decreed.
A Nov. 5 NewsMax article bashes a Gallup poll on Samuel Alito's stance on abortion -- if it becomes clear Alito would vote to reverse the abortion ruling Roe v. Wade, the poll states, Americans would not want the Senate to confirm him, by 53 percent to 37 percent -- for daring to include people who don't vote as part of its sample because, it claims, non-voters skew polls more liberal:
Surveys of "adults" are notorious for yielding more liberal results than surveys of "registered voters." Surveys of "likely voters" tend to trend more conservative still - and are considered the most accurate predictors of election results.
Since non-voting "adults" have opted out of the political process, they're really irrelevant. Their presence in any poll is likely to distort its findings - almost always in favor of the liberal candidate or issue at hand.
But abortion rights are not something that has not been put to a vote. So whether non-voters have been allowed to take part in a poll on the issue is as irrelevant as NewsMax claims non-voting Americans are.
Posted by Terry K.
at 9:48 PM EST