Topic: WorldNetDaily
In an Oct. 15 WorldNetDaily article promoting Jerome Corsi's likely upcoming run for John Kerry's Senate seat in Massachusetts, Corsi is quoted getting disingenuous about the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth:
During the 2004 campaign, Kerry supporters dismissed Corsi and the swiftboat veterans about whom he wrote as "stooges" of the Bush administration. But the author says his recent investigative stories for WND on Supreme Court justice nominee Harriet Miers and her role in Texas scandals in the 1990s, should put that to rest.
Our previous response to this claim still applies.
Corsi also claims that he anticipates being "severely and unfairly attacked," pointing out "intense criticism over remarks he made on the forum, which 'detractors continue to take out of context.'" But WND has never reported the exact nature of Corsi's remarks and, indeed, acknowledged that he said them only after the 2004 presidential election. Unless Corsi and WND tell their readers what exactly Corsi said, they have no basis to judge their proper context.
Posted by Terry K.
at 10:58 PM EDT