Topic: WorldNetDaily
More evidence that a laudatory "news" article is a part of the package when you advertise on WorldNetDaily:
A June 23 WND article by Ron Strom paints a sympathetic picture of Voice of the Martyrs, an organization whose goals are "aiding Christians around the world who are being persecuted for their faith, fulfilling the Great Commission to spread the Gospel, and educating the world about the ongoing persecution of Christians."
Voice of the Martyrs and WND to have complementary agendas. Voice of the Martyrs is a regular supplier of articles to WND on alleged persecution of Christians (such as this June 22 article), and as ConWebWatch has noted, Christian persecution is the only kind of persecution WND cares about.
But Voice of the Martyrs is also an advertiser on both WND and Joseph Farah's radio show. And not only does WND have a history of of not properly disclosing its personal and financial interests in the topics it covers (Jerome Corsi, Jesse Lee Peterson), it has a history of presenting promotions for advertisers as news articles (Jack Wheeler, Move America Forward).
It's time for WorldNetDaily to come clean with its readers about this breach of the time-honored wall between news and advertising: Is softball news coverage what advertisers pay for when they place an ad at WND?
Posted by Terry K.
at 9:56 AM EDT