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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
Update: A Hillary-Basher and His Book
Topic: Newsmax
A June 7 NewsMax article recaps its June 5 "Insider Report" promotion and excerpt of Ed Klein's upcoming Hillary-bashing book. Conspicuous by its absence: Any mention of Klein's false claim, which was in the "Insider Report," that Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan never said Hillary Clinton's name during a speech at his farm announcing her candidacy for his Senate seat.

UPDATE: Media Matters finds more factual errors in Klein's book. And a June 7 column by NewsMax's John LeBoutillier fails to note Klein's errors, noting that "Ed Klein and I are friends" and insisting that "none of the dozens of biographies of Hillary Clinton have ever been as well-researched as this one."

Posted by Terry K. at 12:35 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, June 7, 2005 7:03 PM EDT

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