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Friday, June 3, 2005
AIM: Felt's Not Deep Throat
Topic: Accuracy in Media
From a June 3 column by Accuracy in Media's Cliff Kincaid:

History professor Joan Hoff of Montana State University, an expert on the Watergate scandal, finds it interesting that Bob Woodward is claiming that he had a close relationship with former FBI official Mark Felt, now identified as Deep Throat, when Felt suffers from serious health problems, including dementia, and can't deny it. "It's just like when he said he interviewed [former CIA director Bill] Casey when Casey was comatose," she says.

Kincaid goes on to impugn the motives of Felt and the Washington Post's Bob Woodward; alleges a "conspiracy behind the Watergate conspiracy"; cites another author, Len Colodny, co-author of a book called 'Silent Coup,' which Kincaid describes as being "about the 'removal' of President Nixon," and who also thinks Felt isn't Deep Throat; and quotes Hoff calling the naming of Deep Throat "an orchestrated publicity stunt on the part of the Post and Woodward" because Woodward plans to publish his own book on Felt.

Kincaid says nothing about the crimes that were uncovered in Watergate and the people who went to prison for them.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:32 AM EDT

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