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Wednesday, September 10, 2014
WND Adds A Conspiracy-Monger (And Ben Carson)
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Only at WorldNetDaily would a top conspiracy-monger be a prize "get." Thus, WND touts in a Sept. 7 article its latest addition:

Late at night, on roughly 600 radio stations across North America, the strange, the suspect and the unexplained come alive, stories the mainstream media refuse to cover, on George Noory’s wildly popular “Coast to Coast AM” radio program.

Noory captivates over three million listeners nightly with his discussions of paranormal phenomena, time travel, alien abductions, conspiracies and all things curious and unexplained. He is driven, he has said, by the desire to solve the great mysteries of our time.

“I’ve wanted to cover stories that the mainstream media never touch – the unusual, the paranormal,” the broadcaster says, “I learned that broadcast was the best business for exploring these issues, and I’ve been doing it for 33 years.”

And now, through Gaiam TV, Noory explores the unknown in “Beyond Belief,” a television program where Noory hosts some of the world’s leading experts on the world’s most mysterious subjects.

Better yet, through an exclusive partnership with WND, visitors to the WND Diversions page can watch excerpts of these interviews, getting a glimpse into a world other news outlets are too afraid to touch.

The meat of Noory's radio and TV shows are the paranormal and conspiracy theories, and the inaugural segment combines them both:

In the debut episode of “Beyond Belief” on WND, join Noory as he interviews exopolitical activist Stephen Bassett.

Bassett has made it his life’s work to break the “truth embargo” about the presence of extraterrestrial intelligence on earth. He is working to force governments to disclose the truth he says they have been hiding from us all.

That's right --  WND has now dedicated part of its website to speculating about UFOs. Yet this is not that much of a surprise: WND has touted how "Noory has featured key WND personalities on “Coast to Coast,” including Jerome Corsi, Michael Maloof and David Kupelian." Corsi in particular is a favorite Noory guest -- they both love conspiracies, after all.

WND has also floated the idea of Noory running for president. So, yeah, these two deserve each other.

In a related development, WND has also added Dr. Ben Carson, the conservative darling who's being floated as presidential material -- as a columnist as well. This isn't an exclusive deal -- his column is syndicated, though WND won't tell you that.

How does Carson feel about his column appearing alongside UFO speculations, birther conspiracies and the rantings of WND's very own real-life Uncle Ruckus, Mychal Massie? We'd love to find out.

Posted by Terry K. at 6:06 PM EDT

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