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Tuesday, May 13, 2014
David Kupelian And 'The New Fascists'
Topic: WorldNetDaily

David Kupelian's May 11 WorldNetDaily column is about "the new fascists -- and their victims," but the only "fascists" he cites are gays and the only "victims" he cites are Christians. Kupelian completely ignores analagous examples of right-wing fascism.

For instance, Kupelian cites "the August 2012 attempted mass-murder attack on the Family Research Council, when an angry homosexual activist named Floyd Lee Corkins entered FRC’s Washington, D.C., headquarters carrying 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches and a 9-mm handgun, shooting a security guard before being overcome by the courageous staffer. After his arrest, Corkins – who told federal investigators (see video below) he was inspired to commit the terror attack on the Christian organization by the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center’s “hate map”– confessed he had planned to 'kill as many people as I could … then smear a Chicken-fil-A sandwich on their face.'" Kupelian doesn't mention a successful murder by anti-abortion extremist Scott Roeder, who shot and killed abortion doctor George Tiller in his church. While Corkins had no contact with the SPLC beyond looking at its website, Roeder had numerous contacts with anti-abortion group Operation Rescue before murdering him. Operation Rescue had previously exhorted activists to enter Tiller's church, and Roeder's car contined a Post-It note with a phone number for Operation Rescue official Cheryl Sullenger.

Kupelian also cites the case of Scott Savage, "a devout and peace-loving Quaker who wouldn’t hurt anyone or anything, who even rode a horse-drawn buggy like the Amish in that part of Ohio" who was criticized after recommending books by Kupelian and other right-wing authors in his role as a college librarian. Kupelian doesn't mention WND's fascist-like retaliation against the school, which included smearing the school's diversity training as "homosexual indoctrination." WND also insisted on describing Kupelian's book as a "bestseller" despite the fact that it never appeared on the New York Times' bestseller list, the gold standard for book sales. And as we've documented, WND apparently secretly collaborated with the right-wing Alliance Defense Fund to hype the Savage controversy and, thus, boost sales of Kupelian's book.

Kupleian complains that "the left – including the ever-expanding sexual anarchy movement" are "so deeply offended, so mortally threatened, by people simply disagreeing with them, no matter how civil and well-meaning." But Kupelian operates thet same way; as we've noted, he's not interested in engaging in substantial dialogue with his critics, since it's much easier to present the most extreme critics and pretend they represent all critics and, therefore, not worth responding to.He has proclaimed that "no one has actually identified a single factual error in" his books, despite the fact that his books are about assertions and conclusions, which are opinion and therefore not objectively true or not true.

To the contrary, Kupelian omits facts from his books that undermine his right-wing talking points. For instance, he blames the case of Andrea Yates killing her children on her use of antidepressants, but he doesn't mention that she was in thrall to a ultra-fundamentalist Christian preacher who taught that women were evil and must be subservient to men and convinced her and her husband to sell their possession and live in a bus.

And Kupelian certainly knows the techniques of fascism -- after all, he used to work for accused cult leader Roy Masters,  and WND had extensive ties with Masters' organization in its early years, even having its original offices at Masters' Oregon ranch.

Did we mention that WND also employs extreme homophobe Molotov Mitchell, who advocates "the abolition of homosexuality." Sounds pretty fascist to us.

Perhaps Kupelian should address his own fascist tendencies before criticizing others.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:48 AM EDT

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