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Sunday, March 17, 2019
What LGBT Stuff Is The MRC Freaking Out About Now?
Topic: Media Research Center

Karen Townsend is hate-watching "Riverdale" and upset that conservatives are shown as evil and gays aren't (and spoils a movie's big plot twist in the process):

The random plot twist of gay conversion therapy from a previous episode of The CW’s Riverdale is brought back in the February 6 episode titled “Chapter Forty-Seven: Bizarrodale,” and this time the Catholic nuns at Sisters of Quiet Mercy are said to have "twisted the soul" of an intolerant father back when he was a teenager. Also, along the way, we hear that outing gay people is bad unless it is a conservative politician.


So, in order to randomly insert an anti-Catholic and anti-conservative thread in this episode, Riverdale brings in the "homophobic dad is really repressed homosexual" trope made infamous in the 1999 Academy Award Winning film American Beauty. And, the upcoming generation is ok with treating conservative gays differently than liberals. Great.

Annie Piper freaked out about "the gay agenda for children" appearing on "A Million Little Things" because a 12-year-old boy who may be gay is being "unquestioningly encouraged" by his parents. She then lectured: "Most 12-year-old kids don’t even know what they want to do when they grow up let alone who they want to date. Maybe parents should focus less on encouraging homosexual desires at such a young age and more on helping them grow and develop as a young adult."

Tom Joyce, meanwhile, is stuck hate-watching "Family Guy," and he's reduced to complaining that he show bowed to "PC culture" in its "transgender episode." Joyce is appalled that "towards the end of the episode, Peter apologizes for mocking transgender people," adding, "The show’s attempt to try to promote and normalize transgenders at the expense of making Peter Griffin act out of character should not be a surprise." Because "Family Guy" is a stickler on being true to character?

Mysterious MRC sports blogger Jay Maxson is unhappy that the NFL is talking about being more accepting of gays:

If you think a men's pro football league sidetracked by a focus on lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders is odd, think again. This is a league whose commissioner, Roger Goodell, spent several hours last summer at a bail bond hearing for a Louisiana man charged with armed robbery. This is a league that gave $89 million to social justice activist players. And several million more to shake-down artists Colin Kaepernick and Eric Reid.

(Maxson did not explain how settling a lawsuit with the NFL regarding alleged blackballing for their beliefs makes Kaepernick and Reid "shake-down artists.")

Maxon concluded by sneering, "That's your new "NFL SJW LGBTQ+."

MRC honchos Brent Bozell and Tim Graham had a pair of transgender-related freakouts. One column intoned: "Here's a very sad story. Those who wish for the collapse of our culture are now celebrating children deciding they're not the gender they were 'assigned at birth.' ... Our world has turned upside down overnight." Another column mocked actress Debra Messing for issuing "self-flagellating apologies" to transgenders after making vagina-shaped cupcakes for International Women's Day and called her a "roaring idiot" for doing so.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:01 AM EDT

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