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Wednesday, January 27, 2016
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Topic: WorldNetDaily

And it's more than just affirmative action, it's propaganda. And you're trying to, well, create -- I mean, for instance, if in the movies, you have blacks who are always going to be leading scientists and physicists and they're the judges and they're the -- you know, Morgan Freeman, he's played both the president and God. Funny he wasn't cast as Moses during the 10 Commandments, I knoticed that. You know, you create these very unrealistic expectations when you have a society in which that same minority group is too much involved in drugs and, you know, they're not performing well, but yet you're going to wind up with expectations not just from them but from the population at large to see them in large numbers in professions in which under current circumstances they're certainly not likely to be entering in any large numbers. And so it skews expectations and then makes things like, you know, Black Lives Matter or #OscarsSoWhite, it makes them seem more plausible because you've created this, you know, unrealistic fantasy world, which is what Hollywood is.

-- Patrick Slattery, Jan. 23 David Duke podcast

Jada Smith is upset because her husband, Will Smith, didn’t win an Oscar for his movie “Concussion.” I’ve got an idea for you, Jada. Why don’t you make movies for yourselves?

Why can’t these blacks stop blaming whites and work on their character and craft so they can make movies that are worthy of recognition?

The only color Hollywood and the academy care about is green. Spike Lee, Jada Smith and other blacks complaining about being snubbed by the academy need to make better movies. Period.

According to reports, 60 percent of movie profits come from the foreign market, and movies starring blacks don’t do well overseas. The studios are in business to make money, so you can’t blame them for not casting more blacks.

In America, when you put out the best the marketplace will reward it. I don’t see a lot of Sidney Poitiers these days, or any great black movies worthy of the price of admission, let alone an Oscar.

Blacks are not being overlooked due to their race; they’re not winning Oscars because their work doesn’t stand out, and their movies don’t make money.

Blacks are taking the easy route and complaining and protesting to get their way. This is a continuation of the age-old war between Booker T. Washington’s “earn your way” and W.E.B. Dubois’ “agitate” to push your way in. These spoiled blacks are just repeating what Barack Obama, Black Lives Matter and other race hustlers have done successfully. They know that white liberals – who make up the bulk of Hollywood – will cave as they always do.

The path of least resistance for Spike Lee, Jada Smith and other angry blacks is agitation. Working on your craft and steadily getting better takes work – and who wants to do that?!

The problem with most black Americans today is that they feel entitled to have things handed to them. They’ve been told that white folks owe them, so when things don’t go their way, they cry “discrimination.”

“Shut up and act!” is what these spoiled brats should be told.

Will and Jada Pinkett own a production company called Overbook Entertainment. On their site, they tout that their company has "generated more than $3.0 billion dollars in worldwide box office receipts and even more in home video sales." Spike Lee's net worth is estimated at $40 million; his movies have grossed almost $400 million. Oprah Winfrey has her own media empire, and her net worth is an estimated $3 billion. Why can't these people pool their resources and cultivate talent instead of moaning about being excluded by whites?

They can't do it because most blacks cannot work together; they're jealous and distrustful of one another. They have a spiritual and moral deficiency because most haven't been raised in stable two-parent homes. The overwhelming majority of them haven't had good fathers.

-- Jesse Lee Peterson, Jan. 24 WorldNetDaily column

Posted by Terry K. at 8:45 AM EST

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