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Thursday, April 30, 2015
WND Adds Discredited Dick Morris As Columnist
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Dick Morris has been utterly discredited, having shilled for dubious financial-product schemes at Newsmax and making such outlandish and bizarre electoral predictions during the 2012 presidential election that even Fox News would have nothing to do with him for months afterward.

So, of course, that makes him the perfect columnist for WorldNetDaily.

And so, an April 27 WND article announces that Morris is an "exclusive weekly commentator."  The article is filled with lots of laudatory claims about Morris' background as a former adviser to Bill Clinton and the claim that he was "called “the most influential private citizen in America” by Time magazine," adding: "As a former adviser to Clinton, Morris is uniquely positioned to write about and analyze the current presidential campaign of former first lady Hillary Clinton."

In fact, the "most influential private citizen" claim dates from 1996, just before Morris resigned in disgrace from Clinton's re-election campaign for dalliances with a prostitute. The WND bio of Morris doesn't mention that.

And WND's claim that Morris is "uniquely positioned" to write about Hillary Clinton is undermined by the fact that he has been out of the Clintons' circle for more than 20 years, making any insights he could offer somewhere between outdated and meaningless.

Let's see, discredited, irrelevant, pathologically hates the Clintons -- yep, Morris is a perfect WND columnist.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:24 AM EDT

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