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Monday, May 6, 2013
WND Adds Sexism to Race-Baiting, Dismisses CNN Anchor As 'Newsgal'
Topic: WorldNetDaily

It's no surprise that WorldNetDaily would go in for race-baiting -- after all, Colin Flaherty does exclusively that for WND -- which is why a May 5 WND article by Joe Kovacs highlights how CNN anchor Carol Costello was "robbed by a black teenager in Atlanta."

For some reason, though, WND executive news editor Kovacs feels the need to denigrate her with a headline that reads "CNN newsgal outraged after black teen robs her." (The word "black" was later removed from the headline, though its legacy still remains in the article's URL.)

Kovacs is a dedicated transcriber of Rush Limbaugh's radio show, and it appears that Limbaugh's sexism and misogyny is rubbing off on him.

The promotional email for the article goes one step further, appending the word "gorgeous" to the headline:

WND has always had a sexist streak -- after all, this is the website that has for years kept a running list of female (but not male) teachers accused of sexual contact with students.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:38 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, May 6, 2013 2:42 PM EDT

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