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Friday, March 1, 2013
Dick Morris Backs Woodward, Which Means Woodward Must Be Wrong
Topic: Newsmax

The latest sign that Bob Woodward didn't tell the truth about his interactions with White House adviser Gene Sperling over the sequester: Dick Morris is vouching for him.

A March 1 Newsmax article by Bill Hoffmann states that Morris, appearing on Dick MOrris' Newsmax-operated web/radio show, says we should trust anything Woodward says:

“If there’s one guy in Washington who people can and should trust, and only one guy, he’s Bob Woodward,’’ Morris, told Steve Malzberg on Newsmax TV’s “The Steve Malzberg Show.’’

“This man has written 10 to 15 books … all going out on a limb and identifying confidential stuff that went on in the White House in every administration.

“He’s always been proven right, he’s never been contradicted successfully, and he’s always sticking his neck out and he’s always correct.’’


Morris, a former advisor to President Bill Clinton, said since Woodward’s complaint, the press has ganged up on him.

But, Morris told Malzberg, “When the chief economic adviser says you will regret having taken that position – that is not an expression of ideological discontent. It’s a threat.’’

Given Morris' atrocious record of being wrong about pretty much everything, this can only mean that Woodward can't be trusted on this issue. Indeed, the emails of the actual conversation between Woodward conclusively demonstrate that there was no threat, and even other conservatives have backed away from Woodward.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:53 PM EST

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