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Tuesday, August 28, 2012
WND's Farah: Obama's The Real Birther!
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Joseph Farah is blaming Obama for birtherism. No, really.

From Farah's Aug. 27 WorldNetDaily column:

In rapid response to Mitt Romney’s joke to a crowd in his home state of Michigan, that “No one ever asked me for my birth certificate,” Barack Obama’s campaign put out a 15-second TV spot to declare, “America doesn’t need a birther-in-chief.”

I’ve finally found a point of agreement with Obama.

America certainly does not need a “birther-in-chief” – which is one of at least 2,012 reasons to dump Barack Obama from the White House on Election Day.

America already has a “birther-in-chief.” His name is Barack Obama.

Who started the controversy over his identity? He did. For at least 17 years he boasted in his literary biography of being born in Kenya. That claim was quietly withdrawn only in 2007 – less than a year before he declared his candidacy for the presidency. It was never repudiated or explained. His own wife referred to Kenya as his home country. His autobiography claims he is the offspring of two parents, neither of which could bestow upon him the constitutional requirement of “natural born citizenship.” When repeatedly asked for years into his presidency to produce his birth certificate, he released a document every expert who has looked at it agrees is fraudulent – including the one and only law enforcement investigation to examine the evidence.

No one else besides Barack Obama can claim credit for the title “birther-in-chief.” He owns it. He prompted the very term. He sustained it needlessly. And then he blames others for his own absolute unwillingness to provide the most rudimentary documentation of his eligibility for office.

Well, it's easy to claim that "every expert who has looked at [the birth certificate] agrees [it] is fraudulent" when you blacklist the experts who agree that it's authentic. WND even solicited one expert, Ivan Zatkovich, who failed to conclude that the document was "fraudulent," but cherry-picked his findings and refused to publish his full report.

That, of course, is just the latest lie Farah has told his readers. Speaking of lies, providing two different birth certificates apparently does not qualify as "the most rudimentary documentation of his eligibility for office" in Farah's paranoid, hate-filled little world.

Farah unsurprisingly approves of Mitt Romney's birther dig at Obama, lamenting that "I’m only sorry he apologized for it later." Farah laughably goes on to claim that his rapidly self-destrructing birther conspiracy is "a story bigger than Watergate and the Teapot Dome scandal combined." Again, that's easy to believe if you deliberately ignore all evidence to the contrary, which appears to be WND's official editorial policy.


Posted by Terry K. at 11:50 AM EDT

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